Hybrid Cloud Services
A hybrid cloud is an integrated cloud service utilizing both private and public clouds to perform distinct functions within the same organization.
All cloud computing services should offer certain efficiencies to differing degrees but public cloud services are likely to be more cost efficient and scalable than private clouds.
Alphamatic carries a large brand
of networking product in term of connections, security, wireless, bandwidth management and also a tools or service for a network assessment of your company.
Organization can maximize their
Efficiencies by employing public cloud
services for all non-sensitive operations, only relying on a private cloud where they require it and ensuring that all of their platforms are seamlessly integrated.
Hybrid users have the ability to develop applications and process information securely over the private cloud network,
More non-threatening tasks such as sharing large amounts of resources and hosting publicly available data.
Cost Saving
Architectural Flexibility
Improved Security
Cost Saving
There are certain processes that are preformed much more efficiently when using dedicated, on-site hardware. With this in mind, IT professionals can help to cut costs by designating which tasks are best suited for each particular technology. By optimizing these processes and boosting efficiency, costs related to overburdened resources can be greatly reduced
Architectural Flexibility
Hybrid cloud technology allows the IT team to organize workloads in the most efficient way possible. The mixture of public and private cloud deployments allows organizations to transition app, resource and data deployment between public and private infrastructure based on evolving business-oriented IT needs. Both on-site servers and off-site cloud resources are available and can also be integrated to provision resources for changing IT needs based on varying business policies.
Improved Secrurity
Sensitive data can be secured on private servers with many layers of encryption that can only be accessed in house, whilst non-sensitive and publicly-accessible data and applications can be accessed through a public server.